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Spousal maintenance

After a divorce, the obligation to take financial care of each other and any children remains. That duty of care may result in the ex-spouse having to pay spousal maintenance to the other partner. Cohabitants are not entitled to spousal maintenance after breaking up their cohabitation, unless they have agreed on this in a cohabitation contract.

Child support

If you have children, parents remain responsible for the costs of caring for and raising their children even after the divorce or separation. This is why child support must often be paid to the caring parent.


We will calculate the maintenance sum for you, so that you will know where you stand quickly. Calculating child and spousal support according to the legal standards is tailor-made. We have the right expertise and also know how judges will rule on this.


A change, such as a new job, a new partner, or moving house, may mean that maintenance sums need to be changed. We have the right expertise to assess whether an amendment request is likely to succeed.